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Protik Mohila O Sheshu Sangstha

An OPD working in Pabna district of Bangladesh

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Organization at a glance

In 2006, a group of parents of children with disabilities and women and children in Pabna district came together, driven by a shared mission to advance the development of these often overlooked groups. They recognized that individuals with disabilities were frequently excluded from participating in many aspects of societal development, remaining on the fringes of the mainstream social fabric. Despite some existing initiatives in Pabna district aimed at supporting people with disabilities, there was a noticeable absence of self-help groups specifically for disabled women and children.

Motivated by this gap and inspired by the ongoing creation of the UN Charter of Rights of Persons with Disabilities, these parents resolved to establish an organization that would champion the cause of all disabled individuals in the district, particularly focusing on women and children. This led to the formation of "Pratik Mahila and Children Organization," the first and only organization of its kind in Pabna. Founded by the parents of disabled women and children, the organization has grown significantly since its inception. It stands today as a beacon of empowerment and rights advocacy for persons with disabilities, continually promoting their integration and participation in all aspects of lif.

Working area

Protik Mohila O Sheshu Sangstha is working in different sub-districts of Pabna district of Bangladesh.